South African based water awareness learning App, stems from their research findings that Drop Drop is the project name of a water education and awareness app. Their decision to design a made them realise the need for enhanced, innovative and interactive awareness programs that educate people to make informed choices about water use and water management that will have positive environmental and economic impacts. According to the compulsory national standards as required by the Water Services Act of 1997, one of the standards states that we require ‘’…the provision of appropriate education in respect of effective water use.’’ Considering that historically and geographically, South Africa is a water stressed country with water resources under tremendous pressure due to various factors, authorities need to emphasise regular water awareness campaigns to strengthen the need for responsible citizenry. Behavioural change is vital and seeks to develop strategic intervention to assist South Africa to promote water conservation and proper water management by implementing the principles of Agenda 21 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The aims and objectives of this project, addresses the sub goals of SDG 4 and SDG 6.
The Drop Drop prototype will be easy accessible and affordable because it is data free to use. The free Application downloader, already available on smart phones and the ZAR 29 Mb data was used to create the Drop Drop mobile game. The coding was done using Java Script. The game, in the form of questions and quizzes with the scoreboard was created. The information was researched and collated from textbooks, articles, internet sites, journals and newspapers. The app was tested with a test sample, to determine its functionality and impact on the users.