2022 | United Kingdom | Hyunmin Cho, Yuquan Zhou

Investigating optimum conditions to obtain potable water through piezoelectricity in fluvial systems

Water issue adressed: Too dirty
An example of PWTS (piezoelectric water treatment system)

The overall purpose of the investigation is to find the most suitable way to generate electrical energy and to propose the best design of the piezoelectric water treatment system (PWTS). Piezoelectric effect converts mechanical stress into electrical energy by the generation of electric charge and hence a voltage. We reached a conclusion that piezoelectricity will have the most efficient power generation when the source of power is from water droplets. We found that this is extremely beneficial as droplet formation is governed by physics which results in controllability and reliability of energy production. Droplets can also be used at various scales and locations. 

This is how I came up with the idea for this project:

A school debate about COP26 made us realise that we should actively participate in helping the environment. Our interest in physics led us to the idea that piezoelectricity could harvest potable water using a source of water such as rivers for an innovative way to generate potable water sustainably.


Ania Andersch

Programme manager ania.andersch@siwi.org +46 8 121 360 59